Brighter Things

Feet hit the floor in a tired reminder that another day has started. Dogs need to be walked and fed and then walked and fed again. The more you think about starting the day, the more you're ready for it to end.

But then you remember - today is something new. Each day is a new day, with new light from the same sun. There are brighter things ahead, but there are bright things right now. The sky still wakes up every morning. The wind still blows through the trees and makes music. Are you looking? Are you listening? Because it is happening all around you. You walk the dog with new hope and a new perspective. Bad dreams go away when the sunlight hits our eyes. Not because they aren’t real and not because they didn’t happen - because the sun reminds us that darkness is not all there is…

An article written for Hauser’s Jewelers. Read the rest HERE.


A Chain Reaction


Christine Lingle