Cesar Baldelomar: A Conversation About Conversation

An interview for the Spirituality and Sustainability Global Network

Cesar “CJ” Baldelomar is currently a second-year doctoral student in Theology and Education at Boston College. His research blends critical theory and decolonial thought, exploring how knowledge production and consumption inform identity formation and the development of ethical paradigms. He holds two law degrees (LL.M. in Intercultural Human Rights and a Juris Doctor) from St. Thomas University School of Law and two graduate degrees from Harvard University. CJ is co-founder of Learning for Life Solutions, LLC and a former legal intern at the Southern Poverty Law Center. He a board member and the new secretary of the Spirituality and Sustainability Global Network.

Maddie: There are so many layers. Why would you say that a creative, imaginative approach is so important, especially in the context of the classroom?

Cesar: I think artistic expression is one of the best ways to be heard. When I ask students to write poetry, perform skits – they come alive. When they’re writing papers? Sure. But to encourage a classroom approach that is multidisciplinary and multifaceted – I think that’s where you start to dislodge stagnant imaginations…

Read the rest HERE.


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