Ensign Cowell: Daring to be Hopeful

An interview for the Spirituality and Sustainability Global Network

Ensign hailed from northern New Jersey and settled in Cleveland, Ohio working for several public companies in corporate finance and strategic planning. Following that he joined a fledging investment/wealth management company and stayed in this field for almost forty years. His avocation and passion for environmental activism galvanized in 2012 after attending an acceptance talk by Canadian naturalist, David Suzuki. Since then, he has participated in founding environmental entities to advance major systems change initiatives and personal/spiritual consciousness through transformative learning.

The good thing about covid is that it shows us we're all in one system. That's the beauty of the virus. Everybody has experienced it in one way or another, and they may have experienced it quite differently because of their circumstance. For us, it's been an inconvenience. For others, it's been an absolute disaster. We're all aware of it, all over the world. While it has been detrimental, that awareness is a good and unifying thing.

Read the rest HERE.


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