Geraldine Patrick Encina: A Journey with the Wind

An interview for the Spirituality and Sustainability Global Network

Geraldine Patrick Encina is executive director of Earth Timekeepers, an organization that promotes a way of living in sync with natural cycles, inspired in the ancestral philosophy of time-space and calendars, especially from Mesoamerica. Raised in the Canary Islands from Chilean parents with Scot-Gaelic and Mapuche ancestry, she settled in Mexico twenty years ago to start a family next to Mindahi Bastida. They have two children, Xiye and Danzaki.

What was your upbringing like? Where did you grow up, and how did your early experiences of life inform what you do now?

I was raised in Gran Canaria, one of the islands of the archipelago off the coast of Morocco. Together with my sister, we would go to the beach every single day, both in the summertime and in the school season. My connection to the sea, sand, Sun, and sea-life was profound, and it was enhanced thanks to the practice of Yoga that my Mum instilled in us. In that state of mind, she would bring to us the consciousness that we are all connected, and she would read to us poems of her grandfather who was raised with the Mapuche love for nature.

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